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Sunday Mornings
10:30am - 11:45am
Middle School (6th - 8th grade)
Middle school students meet in the Student Center to study the Bible in small group settings.
High School (9th - 12th grade)
We want our high school students to be connected to the church as a whole, which is why we encourage them to attend the main worship service each week. We also invite them to come hangout in the Student Center before and after each service to say hello.
Sunday Evenings
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Middle School & High School
This is our main student ministry night full of games, engaging worship and teaching, and time for our students to connect and grow in their relationship with Jesus. Our leadership team is passionate about teaching your students and showing them how to follow Jesus in daily life.
Our focus is helping build strong families because the biggest influence on your child’s life is you!
You have roughly 937 weeks with your child
from the moment they are born to the moment they graduate.
What you do during those 937 weeks for their spiritual development will shape their faith for the rest of their lives.
We want to partner with you and help you build a strong family that is focused on Jesus.

The Center for Parent Youth Understanding is a great resource to help parents understand the stages their youth may be going through. We highly recommend signing up for their news letter.

Fuller Youth Institute does yearly research on the spiritual lives of teens. Take a look through their resources for any topics that may apply to you and your student.

Meet Our Student Pastor!
Get to know Kipp.
Kipp has been serving at GCC since December of (The-Year-That-Must-Not-Be-Named). He is married to Colleen and they have three children, Kadin, Kessa, and Kylie. Kipp was called to youth ministry in 2000 and has been serving that call in churches ever since. Some of Kipp’s favorite hobbies include fixing things, refinishing old furniture, playing with his family, watching student sporting events, and playing video games.
“My life verse is James 1:19, 'Therefore Brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.' I think the world would be a much better place if we all listened more, talked less, and watched our anger.”