GCC Institute

For Spiritual Growth

Helping Christians better know, love, and follow Jesus through a deeper understanding of God and His Word and to equip them to help others do the same.

Upcoming Classes

Mondays starting March 10th through April 7th
(5 weeks)
6:00-9:30 PM 

The last command Jesus gave His followers in the Gospel of Matthew was to make disciples of all nations, baptizing and teaching them everything Jesus commanded. This calling to make disciples of Jesus who will make more disciples of Jesus is still in effect for us today. But what does this look like? How do we go about making disciples? This class will explore these and other questions related to making disciples of Jesus.
Spring 2025
Survey of Church History -January 27th - February  24th
Disciple-Making - March 10th - April 7th

Survey of Worldviews - April 21st - May 19th

Fall 2025
Teachings of Jesus - TBD
Introduction to Biblical Interpretation - TBD

Spring 2026
Old Testament Survey - TBD
New Testament Survey - TBD
Survey of Christian Theology - TBD

Fall 2026
Christian Apologetics -September 9th - October 7th
Christian Spiritual For
mation - October 28th - November 25th


Who are these classes for?
GCC Institute for Spiritual Growth classes are for anyone who wants to go deeper in their faith and understanding of God and His Word.
  • Church staff seeking to refresh their knowledge base
  • Second career staff seeking initial biblical education
  • Elders and deacons looking to deepen their Biblical knowledge
  • Small group leaders aspiring to better disciple their groups
  • Bible teachers wanting to build their theological knowledge
  • Volunteers developing their leadership skills
  • Anyone looking to simply understand the Bible better

When can I begin?
You can apply at any time. Courses begin several times through the fall and spring and can be taken in any order.

What order should the classes be taken in?
Classes can be taken in any order.

Can I take just one class?
Yes, you can take just one class or complete them all to earn a Certificate of Spiritual Growth.

What is a Certificate of Spiritual Growth?
Students who successfully complete all 10 courses graduate with a Certificate of Spiritual Growth. Typically, a student pursuing the certificate can complete it in two years.

Do I have to attend every class?
Students can miss up to 20% (one week) of each 5-week class and remain enrolled in the class.

Is the Institute for Spiritual Growth Accredited?
While seeking to deliver an undergraduate level educational experience, ISG is not accredited by any higher education association.

Will there be childcare?
Unfortunately, no. We are not able to provide childcare during the classes.

Looking for more info?

Fill out this form below!